The Power of Positive Thinking - Your Key to Success

Positive thinking along with gratitude, brings you not only success but in your daily life it also brings you inner peace, improved relationships, better health, happiness and joy. It also helps you to look at life with a whole new meaning... your daily affairs will run more smoothly, life will actually look brighter and even promising.
Positive thinking is also contagious just like a smile or laughter! Think about it - have you ever been with someone who is laughing at a joke or something funny that happened, and they can't stop laughing? Then, as they finally are able to control their laughter, they are thinking about the joke or funny incident and start laughing again... it makes you laugh right along with them - you can't help but laugh with them!
People around you will pick up on your positive attitude and are affected accordingly. Think about happy things - remember... for every negative, there is a positive. For every negative thought that comes into your mind, think of something positive about it, for instance... you are at work thinking how much you absolutely hate your job - think about how many thousands of people have lost their jobs over the past couple of years and have not been able to find another one! Now you are thankful (this is where gratitude steps in along with the positive thinking) that you at least HAVE a job even if you do hate it. One day I was cleaning out my house - getting rid of things to eliminate the clutter and I thought to myself "this house is just too small" (negative thought). Then I started thinking about all the homeless people and people over the past couple of years who have had their homes repossessed or those who have been evicted from their apartments (due to losing their jobs) - NOW, my thoughts turn to "We are so lucky and I am so thankful that my husband and I are both working so we can make our payments and have a roof over our heads and a place to sleep" (positive thought and gratitude).
In order to make positive thinking yield results, you need to not only develop a positive attitude toward life, but also expect a successful outcome of whatever you do, and also take any necessary actions to ensure your success. For instance, you can't put your house up for sale and expect someone to buy it if you don't advertise or hire a real estate agent because no one will KNOW that it's for sale. If you hire a real estate agent who will advertise your home and bring people to see it, you know and can expect it to be sold.
Effective positive thinking that brings results is much more than just saying or thinking a few positive words, comments or thoughts. It has to be your predominant mental attitude. It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then let those negative thoughts enter your mind. Some effort and work are necessary. At first, it takes practice... after all, you are used to thinking negative thoughts, right? Habits are hard to break but if you are persistent and try to remember to think those positive thoughts after a negative one enters your mind, pretty soon your positive attitude will become your new habit. It CAN be done - my husband was, and sometimes still is, the most negative person on the face of the earth - with everything. No matter what I said, he had a negative response. Well, after being married many years, what do you think happened? I actually caught myself becoming negative and my children were becoming negative - and I did not like that feeling or the results! So... I came up with something new! Every time someone said something negative like "I'll never get this done" or "it can't be done" I would respond with "positive follows positive; negative follows negative." In addition, whenever someone comes up with something negative, I respond with something positive! I also bring to their attention that they are being negative... of course, my husband will say "it's reality"... true... it may be reality, but if you THINK and BELIEVE negative, it will turn out negative; if you THINK and BELIEVE positive, it will turn out positive. Although my husband still comes up with negative thoughts, he is MUCH more positive than he used to be! Now, when I come back with a positive response, he actually agrees.

Read More: The Power of Positive Thinking - Your Key to Success



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